Help tips

Drupal has feature called help tips which allow you to put tips on any page or set of pages, e.g. the create hike page or the hike pages themselves. The create help is instructions for filling out the form. The hike help has instructions for interpreting the terms used, e.g. difficulty. Both are similar but have a different slant for a different audience.The help tips currently appear at the very bottom of the page (may want to try alternate locations).

I started filling out the create hike tip and hit a road block as we don't have good definitions of what we mean by difficulty or time for instance. Daniel can tell us what he meant but I think we may need to be more specific. For example difficulty has at least two aspects that are different: difficult terrain (rocky or wet footing, steep slopes, etc.) and long distance requiring endurance or fast pace to complete (when a led hike this includes leader pace).

When I complete this help tip page, we need multiple people to comment on it as the usability of the descriptions depends on people understanding the terms used and the submitters following standards so that there is a uniform scale. The latter depends on the difficulty and time being measurable quantities.

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