Along the East Mountain Loop - Photo by Daniel Chazin Along the East Mountain Loop - Photo by Daniel Chazin

This loop hike climbs Round Hill and East Mountain, reaching several viewpoints and passing historic stone walls and other remnants of the area's former agricultural use.

41.442839, -73.915168

Walk back along the paved road to a junction with a gravel road on the left. Turn left onto the gravel road at a gate. A triple-white blaze on the gate marks the start of the white-blazed School Mountain Road, and a triple-blue blaze marks the start of the blue-blazed Fahnestock Trail. Continue ahead on the road, which soon crosses two streams on wooden bridges built by civil engineering...

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Avenza App Map: East Hudson 103

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Trip Reports

rate experience
December 17, 2020
New Trails at School Mountain Rd.
Along with the impressive new (2019) bridges built by civil engineering cadets from West Point, there's also trail work being done to replace some of the more eroded parts of School Mt. Rd. up near the abandoned house. I don't know that I'd do East Mountain next time as it adds 1.5 miles and the views are better from Round Hill.
July 30, 2017
Great hike!
I love hiking in this area. The trails are well marked and there is no reason to think you are making a wrong turn. It was a bit hot, humid and buggy, but on the other hand, it was peaceful and enjoyable. Anyone hiking here should look up the history of the stone walls and just the park in general, as it is very interesting.
February 26, 2017
Just finished this hike today (only to realize afterward that there is a description here of the exact route I took). Awesome hike - the views are okay, but what really stole the show was the cascading streams everywhere. This are also cool stone walls everywhere...EVERYWHERE. To get the most out of this route, I recommend going later Winter/early Spring, so that the leaves are down (offering more views), and the streams are in full force from rain/melting snow. I did this in about 3 hours, but I had a strong hyper hound dog tugging me along :) One note of caution: the I-beam bridge near the start of the hike is DOWN, pretty much completely. The stream is still crossable, but please be careful - the only non pet-friendly part of the hike.
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