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The Essential Guide to Cross-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing in the United States, by Charles Cook, Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New York, NY, 1997, ISBN: 0805041133.

The bulk of this guide is just that, a guide to the more popular by areas commonly available by state. However, the first portion of the book contains a wealth of information on everything connected with cold weather recreation. The author covers the usual fundamentals of equipment for both sports as well as how to dress, safety in the woods and on the winter roads, winter camping and even a few words on visual pollution by wearing "loud" colored apparel.

Since this guide covers 38 states, most of which one would suspect, however, the author lists areas in states with marginal snow as well as areas in places one would not normally associate with winter sports such as the Great Plains and Arizona to name a few. The listings are primarily areas with designated, marked and groomed trails. Easily accessible back country areas with designated but not maintained areas are included. His listings are necessarily limited in each state for the obvious reason of space and, as the author notes, "those areas that responded to his inquiries for information".

This book would make an excellent companion to someone who travels (with skies or snowshoes) and wants to find places to practice his or her sport without wasting time looking for suitable areas. The descriptions are adequate for first time use plus each area (both public parks and private ski touring centers) has a contact listed for up to the minute information.

Reviewed by Pete Senterman, January 1998

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